Saint Josemaria in one of his articles wrote that for us, work is contagious, incurable and a progressive disease. Thinking about this statement, l came to the deduction that this may be so because we human beings often times do not plan our activities, we believe that we don’t need to plan anything and that we can just wake up and think of what to do and run with it immediately. This only confirms one thing and that is that we lack order. We forget that a task(s) accomplished with impetuosity and in a haste, can never be done well. This therefore, made me look deeper to find out how we can live a life of order daily and enjoy what we do without any conflict and the important of ordering our day.
Daniel O’Donnell, in his song, “One Day at a Time” said “Show me the stairway l have to climb Lord, for my sake Teach me to take One day at a time.” Each day l listen to this reflective song of his, l realise that as humans, we need the grace and strength of God to live order and be able to do what we have to do every day. Hence, we need to first accept peace and all the task that come to us and try to accomplish them in order, one after the other. A hardworking person they say is one who makes good use of time because time is not only money as they say, it is also God’s glory.
For us to bring order in our life every day, we must be committed and dedicated to whatever we plan out to do and the best way to go about this is, to get a pen and paper and write down the activities scheduled for the day and priorities them according to its importance. Daily planning is very important be it at the workplace, at home or with our spiritual life.
There is a time in our life when we will feel like we are drifting through life yes, but we shouldn’t panic or be scared because we build our future one day at a time, this is God’s gift to us. And like Cindy Trimm said in her book, commanding your morning “Every moment of every day, with every thought you think and word you speak, you are making a decision to move either toward greatness or toward obscurity”. God gives us the opportunity to create a masterpiece of our life and all we need to do is to order our day and life well so that we can harness and maximize the potentials of our thoughts and words. We must always give thought to our steps and reflect on what to do every day either in our professional work or our spirituality. Our goal should be to achieve success in our profession and to see God in our spiritual life on the last day.
So, for us to bring order in our life every day, we need to have a plan of life. Our lives these days are filled with so much activities and if we want to keep up with our social relations and not neglect other important aspects of our lives, we need to organize ourselves, plan things out, don’t procrastinate or wait until the last minute before you act. To live an ordered day without conflict, create a plan of life that is flexible and that will accommodate all aspects of your being. Most importantly, is for you to be able to clarify your priorities in the following areas: Spiritually, Emotionally, Financially, Physically, Relationally and also your Career. If we are not careful, a lot of things will be happening in our day but by ordering our day, we will find peace and vitality in every aspect of our life particularly, in our marriage, health, spiritual engagement, financial security, friendship, relationship and many more. My prayer is that we will always have a fully – thought –out plan to enable us accomplish more things with the time we have available every day.