As far as the Bible is concerned, Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. He died for our sins and He rose from the dead for our justification. We can only get to God through Him.
Jesus Christ is the reason we exist, the bible says that He is the purpose and explanation of life. He is the answer to man’s desperate need for salvation. Sin separated us from God, but because of His great love for us, God sent His Son Jesus to give His life as a sacrifice to pay the price for our sins. (
For two thousand years now, the world has been hearing about the man from Galilee who is called Jesus, and how He died and resurrected so that He could save us from original sin. There are many writings, teachings and preaching on the personality of Jesus, which we still hear today in the church, through the bible etc. but the questions asked today by many preachers are ,“Who is this Jesus that we are hearing about, to you and me”, what is your relationship with Him and have you had an encounter with Him?
We may have been hearing about Jesus and even talking about Him but how real is He to us? Can we comfortably say that we are satisfied with what we have heard about Him because we have had a personal encounter, or are we just guessing?. If the latter is the case, would it not be good if we try to establish a relationship with Him so that we can know Him better?.
For us to know Him well, we need to get close to Jesus as that will definitely open our eyes to the mysteries that surround Jesus’s personality and help us to love Him deeply and seek Him with all our hearts. Many people today carry the bible not because they truly believe in it but as a camouflage. When we have a close encounter with the Lord, we will love Him deeply and will not joke with His words. Consequently, when we know Jesus truly, we will seek Him with all our hearts. When we also know how merciful He is, we will always want to be in His presence.
Who is Jesus to you and me? Jesus Christ is the reason we exist. He is the answer to man’s desperate need for salvation. Sin separated us from God, but because of His great love for us, God sent His Son Jesus to give His life as a sacrifice to pay the price for our sins. The Bible tells us how many persons were so anxious to know and meet Jesus but lost that opportunity due to pride. We read about Herod, when Jesus was brought before him instead of using that graceful moment to repent and save his soul like the repentant thief at the cross, Herod was only interested in seeing signs and wonders from the Lord and he got none.
Also, sometimes when we hear about what God has done for someone in a particular place, many of us tend to rush to the same place not because we are interested in having a personal encounter but to see if we will also experience our own miracle. When we don’t get any, we lose faith. What we fail to understand is that spiritual things are more enjoyable and sweet when they come from the heart.
Let us remember the gospel of Matthew, 16: 4, Jesus told the Pharisees that they were demanding for signs but none would be given to them except that of Jonah. Therefore, we cannot force God to do things that are not His Will . God needs us to believe in Him sincerely, repent for our sins and then build a close relationship with Him from our hearts. So, for us to truly have a personal relationship with Jesus, we need to humble ourselves and give Jesus a chance to come into our hearts. We also need to show real hunger and eagerness to know Him personally, for that is when we would have a deeper encounter with Him and be convinced of who Jesus is to us.
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If you are looking for direction in life, wisdom and understanding of the purpose and events in our lives, we must believe in Jesus Christ. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end.