One of the glaring facts of the Christian faith is the struggle to believe. The struggle to believe if what we read or hear about God is true, is usually the problem Today many Christians are struggling to believe in God again. Unfortunately, when this struggle happens, our faith begins to experience an earthquake. We even find that those who openly confess their faith in God are also struggling to believe what God says. They may not openly say it but trust me, they fight with this burden inside. This internal crisis often affects their strength of prayer and sometimes extinguishes their faith completely.
This situation occurs more when these Christians face challenges or encounter difficult and prolonged problems. As a result, they begin to believe that God hates them or that He is punishing them for a terrible sin or big offence they might have committed in the past. The depth of our faith is revealed when temptation comes and when we face trials. It’s easy to forget all the times that God has been faithful and so, l advise that we take a moment at the point when we find ourselves in this situation, to reflect on how He has come through for you in the past. Psalm 77:11 says, “I will remember your great deeds Lord; I will recall the wonders you did in the past” You may need to write down past blessings, answered prayers, and moments where you’ve seen God’s goodness and let those memories strengthen your faith. However, if you’re still in doubt, know this: you’re not alone. Many people of faith—even the strongest believers—have wrestled with questions, uncertainty, and fear. The good news is that, God isn’t afraid of your doubts, and He doesn’t abandon you because of them. Nonetheless remember those moments in life when you believed so much in God’s goodness. The time when faith feels easy—when prayers are answered, doors open, and we see God’s hand in everything, we remained faithful because everything was working for us. But when things are not working the way we want, we begin to struggle and doubt creeps in and then suddenly, life doesn’t make sense to us anymore and we find ourselves struggling to believe if God is still with us. We feel we have wasted our time in the presence of God and we then begin to struggle to believe and we are thrown off balance and we feel like our purpose in life, friendships, family and relationships are under threat.
Be still, God isn’t offended by your questions—He hears and invites them. David, Job, and even Jesus on the cross cried out to God in moments of struggle. In Mark 9:24, we read about the story of a man who cried, “I believe; help my unbelief!” God desires a relationship with you, even in our uncertainty. Talk to Him, pour out your heart, and ask Him to help you trust Him again. Struggling to believe God is something many of us experience at different points in our journey of faith. Whether it’s due to unanswered prayers, difficult circumstances, or simply a season of spiritual dryness. No matter at what point in our life that we experience this, we should never doubt what we read or hear about God let alone, question God’s presence, His promises, and His plan for us.
Nevertheless, if find yourself in this place, know that you’re not alone. Some of the greatest figures in the Bible—Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Job, Thomas, and even John the Baptist—had moments of doubt. The good news is that God is not far from our struggles. He sees, He understands, and He is still faithful, even when we struggle to believe. Faith isn’t about feelings—it’s about trust. Even when you don’t “feel” close to God, He is still near. Keep praying, worshiping, and seeking Him, even when it feels hard. Isaiah 41:10 reminds us of God’s presence always, “Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” And according to the Psalmist, “The Lord is near to those who are discouraged, he saves those who have lost hope.’’ Psalm 34:18. May God strengthen us in our daily struggles, Amen.