As l was reflecting on my meditation this morning, this question kept resonating in my mind and l wondered why because this is the least question that we ask ourselves.
ln today’s Christianity, many Christians are more interested in worldly things. lt was this same worldly interest that caused the young man who met Jesus but, left His presence without achieving what he wanted. The man approached Jesus and asked what he would do to inherit the Kingdom of God but when Jesus told him to go sell all his property, give the proceedings to the poor and come follow Him, the man became sad and walked away.
The people of today are more interested in praying for money, breakthroughs, success, acquisitions etc. and so it is hard these days for us to seek eternity. What we think about is how we can build the latest houses, ride the latest cars and wear expensive clothes and jewelries. We also want to be the talk of the town and to be honoured and worshiped in the society. Often times when we pray, we pray for material success and possessions and l wonder if we ever think about our soul. What happens to our soul, don’t we care about it? or even think about our end. So, the question here is, can we sometimes think about where we are going to spend our eternity? Do we have time to prepare for our end just as we hustle to prepare for our body? Considering all the above, l suggest, we take some out to always ask ourselves this question.’’ What must l do to inherent eternal life?’’ This should also be our focus just as the young man ran to Jesus and asked, ‘’ what must l do to inherit eternal life?’’. Despite how the story of the man ended, at least we see someone who is thinking about the other life. With Jesus’s response, it is obvious that eternal life is the most important, a life beyond every material possession and acquisition we may have in this world yet, we don’t pay attention to it.
Like the young man in the bible, we prefer the possessions we are seeing with our eyes presently, more than the ones yet to come. But at the end of our lives, we will then realize how much we have waisted our lives seeking that which is not really important. Therefore, as we focus and hustle for this present life, let us not forget the life to come. There will be a time when we will seek for it, by then, it may be too late. Many people think of eternal life as something to be “earned” by doing good deeds. However, the Bible makes it clear that eternal life is not something we can achieve through our own efforts—it is a gift from God. Though, there some basic things that we must do to receive eternal life according to the scriptures. The scripture says that we should believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, repent of our sins and turn to God, Follow Jesus daily by obeying His Word and loving God and others and then ask the Holy Spirit to help us live a life that pleases God. Remember that eternal Life is a Gift from God so ask for the grace of God to inherit it. Reconciliation is the restoration of a relationship to a harmonious state after a dispute;…
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