Marriage by its very nature is unitive. ‘’At creation of man and woman, unity for them in marriage was not given as hope, it was a command! Therefore shall a man leave his father and mother and shall cleave unto his wife and they shall be one flesh’ (Genesis 2: 24). Our Heavenly Father wants our hearts to be knit together. That union in Love is not simply an ideal, it is a necessity’’ Unity in marriage brings together a Man and Woman who pledge to love and support each other for life, accepting children if God sends them.
Unity of marriage is therefore crucial to its success. ‘’ A house divided against itself cannot stand’’ where husband and wife are of one heart, that marriage will be a constant source of joy for the couple and a source of security and warmth for the children. They will make plans together and help each other achieve them: they will be a more formidable team against the challenges of life.
Unity in marriage however, does not happen overnight. You know, l stumbled into this word, it says: ‘’by wisdom a house is built, through understanding it is established, and through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures’’ By these words, we can deduce that marriage is to be built through the efforts of both partners. Husbands and wives should value each other as equal partners, who are in agreement and work together to succeed.
Marriage can indeed be a wonderful thing. Loving one another in a lifelong relationship can be a real gift from God. One thing l know is that putting God at the centre of one’s marriage is incredibly important because God in His love will give you the ability to love, to forgive through the care of one another even when things get difficult.
Unity in marriage allows for Cohesiveness, Peace, Sincerity and Stability in the Home. When couples are committed to each other, their marriage will succeed and the family will be better for it. Don’t allow challenging times to divide you because these times will surface. Learn to stick together no matter what, remain bounded. Give love unselfishly to your spouse, just as Christ gave because in giving, you are being a blessing and you will be blessed.
Another thing we must take into consideration is the fact that we are humans, married to humans as well. Your spouse is not an angel, so there will be times when you will be upset, are you willing to forgive and forget seventy times seven times?
Love keeps no records of wrong. Though, you are upset with your spouse at the moment, Love will move you to look beyond the offence and to the greater good of the marriage. This in no way suggests that we become doormats or condone bad behaviour however, it simply means that we must have Kindness and Love as our watchword and not react in anger or revenge when offended.
Unity is the glue that holds your marriage together when the storms of life rage against it. God is the maker and designer of marriage; and a relationship with Him above all will give you Strength and Wisdom and hold your marriage together like the three- strand cord which is not easily broken. Healing is a central theme in many religious teachings, especially within Christianity, where it… The word obedience generally means submitting to someone higher in authority than you. Nonetheless,…
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This is really enlightening,every couple needs to read this. Thanks for this article ma. May God continue to give you the wisdom and strength to keep up the good work.