As l contemplate on my recent article on “The Virtue of Hope”. l could not but wonder what life will be like without the virtue of hope. And so, in this moment of mine, l recalled the masterpiece on the virtue of hope by Fr. Enoch Usifo. According to him, we can never turn back time or change the things that happened in the past even if we wanted to and neither can we change the way we felt or reacted.
Be that as it may, we can never change how we felt in the past nor forget all the tears we shed. It will always be there. It might be tears shed for a happy or painful memory but it remains with us. And so, what happened in the past will never change but that does not mean that we should lose hope. Rather, we should remember that there is tomorrow and there is today. Therefore, do not live in the past for it will never come back. Live for today and look at what is ahead.
You may experience a lot of brokenness inside. People you come across before might have caused you so much pain but, always remember that today is a new day. If you can still wake up this morning and breathe fresh air, then it simply means that God is giving you the chance to experience the life that He planned for you to live. Hopefully, one day, when you look at your past, you may no longer feel the pain and all you may see is God’s goodness, His never-ending grace and His everlasting love for you.
So, if you allow God to reign in your life, He will show you a new perspective and He will bring out the goodness in everything that you experienced. You may think that what is behind is so messy but God will turn it into a beautiful masterpiece and that is what you will become – a stronger, independent and more responsible person. God will spread His hands towards you and together, you will evoke His goodness and His overflowing grace.
If only you will open your heart and listen to Him, you will realise that He never leaves you, and you will feel His hands moving around you. You will experience His comfort. God always sees our pain and whether we believe it or not, He is always with us in the midst of our suffering, holding our hands until the end. So, let us never give up or stagger in perpetual pain but, be hopeful.
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