Many may wonder why ‘am l writing about suffering and may not be interested in reading this article. I request that you do not to leave but be patient and understand why l chose to do so.
Trust me when l say that a lot of people are facing one form of suffering or another. Be it the . rich, poor or middle class. Every one of us encounter one form of suffering at some point in time. You can really have all the money there is to have but lack peace, love and happiness. This is because as humans we must go through certain stages of life to appreciate the goodness of God Almighty. And some theologians will say, suffering is part of our training program to becoming wise.
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My dear friends, we all have our share of sufferings in life, rich or poor but the most important thing is how we cope and find comfort in this suffering and how well we allow God to take care of the situation.
Some school of thought will argue that with money one can get anything you want including happiness but l am of that school of thought that says that money cannot buy everything especially, happiness. However, money can give you comfort.
Looking up the definition of suffering in the dictionary,” it says that it is the state of undergoing pain, distress, or hardship”. So, if you are rich you may not experience hardship but that does not mean that you will not undergo pain or distress because pain and sorrow cannot be bought over with money. It comes in different ways, either by losing a loved one, encountering business challenges, academic failures, sickness ,family issues e.t.c. And when such happens what do we do? Most of us attribute it to witch crafting, witch-hunting or some other superstitious believe and yes, we run from pillar to post, consulting one pastor or another and often times move from one church to another looking for who to blame or seeking for miracles rather than fasting and praying and asking for God’s direction and grace to overcome or better still, offering everything to God.
l once read in one of the spiritual books written by Sarah Young some time ago that we should rejoice in suffering because suffering produces perseverance and perseverance produces character and that character produces hope. It went further to say that pain and problems can actually be a blessing which eventually increases our hope. So why cry over our sufferings, let us rather rejoice in it trusting that God will not abandon us.
At first l didn’t quite understand what the author was trying to say but when l pondered over these words thoroughly, l came to the realization that it is when we are in pain and are helpless that we become inpatient and seek for quick results instead of trying to persevere in our pain.
Do you know that perseverance is a rare quality these days? Most people look and wish for a quick solution rather than persevering and trusting in God. What we fail to realise is that with closeness to God, we are able to cope with our problems. Have we forgotten so quickly that Our Lord promised to be there for us always? HE promised to save us even though we walk in the middle of trouble. Our bible assures us that God’s right hand will save us. So, why do we live like people who have no hope and no faith.
No matter the trouble, the pain, distress or disappointment and hardships we suffer, we should be grateful to God knowing that HE will give us the grace to endure that hardships and grow stronger through them. Be reminded that we are not alone in this suffering and struggles, God is with us. Trust in HIM and believe that together with HIM, you can handle any problem. You just need to stay in communication with God as HIS presence will give you the kiss of live, strengthen and bless you with peace. Healing is a central theme in many religious teachings, especially within Christianity, where it… The word obedience generally means submitting to someone higher in authority than you. Nonetheless,…
Keep on walking and do not stop. You are getting better each day. People may… Having a personal relationship with God is a deeply inspiring and transformative experience that… The journey to the kingdom is often marked by hardships and moments of doubt.…
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Betty, yes beautiful article. Not only that , but we as Catholic Christians rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that afflictions produces endurance, endurance proven character; hope, and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, that has been given to us. Romans 5:4
Our experiences of evil and suffering, injustice, and death, seem to contradict the Good news; they can shake our faith and become a temptation against it. Be resolute and God bless!
Correct. and yes it is a privilege for us Christians to experience sufferings once a while . We only ask for the grace of God to bear it.
Thank you so much Matthew , your comments and contributions always bring out the other aspect of the scripture. God bless.