Success is the state or condition of meeting a defined range of expectations. It may be viewed as the opposite of failure. The criteria for success depend on context and may be relative to a particular observer or belief system. Wikipedia.
Success does not just happen; it takes a process for success to occur. For success to be attained in any endeavor of our life, we will need to apply some principles to make it happen. There are many who make great efforts but end up disappointed without achieving success because they failed to apply the right principles. To attain success, you need to have the right knowledge. It is said that an informed man is likely to succeed faster than a man who is uninformed. You need information to succeed in life. It means that for you to attain growth or achieve success and be great, you sure need to be well informed. Information is power and it is key to achieving greatness and success.
Be that as it may, let us look at some features or requirements that can help us to attain success in life. Number one is.
Vision: – Vision gives you direction. It is a picture you hold in your head of what you want to become or achieve in life. It is what you live and work for and it motivates you to think creatively, work hard, endure pain, and keep striving until you attain success. Vision is also a spiritual or mental insight into the future of what you want to become or achieve with the help of God. Truth be told, it is difficult for any man to succeed without a clear and definite purpose, goal, or destination. Just as you cannot embark on a journey without defining where you want to go; it will be wrong for you to start a business without defining what kind of business you want to start and what goals you want to achieve from it. You just need to think and plan before taking the step otherwise, you will be planning to fail as it is often said. You cannot achieve much without proper planning. Besides, vision helps you to see the picture of your end or destination right from the beginning. So, it will be inappropriate to start a journey of either your life or business without visualizing where you will end. Therefore, start by defining your destination then, you can begin the journey. Allow your vision to motivate you to act daily so, that you can celebrate at the end.
Passion: – The second requirement is passion. After you have defined your vision, develop a passion for it. Be passionate and do what you want to do for love because without passion, l mean, if you don’t love what you do, forget it because your vision will remain a dream and will never be actualized. It is the passion that will move you to action and it is the same passion that will help you to bear whatever pain or challenge that you may encounter along the way. It is also passion that will help you to withstand the suffering that comes your way. It takes charity for you to think about the advantages of your vision and the possibility of actualization. So, you need to develop a strong passion for you to actualize your dream or vision.
You need to know how to translate your vision into reality consequently, you need to research your vision and see how you can make it happen. Don’t be fooled, it may take a lot of hard work because success comes from hard work. Focus on what you want to do and write down every piece of information about it, including how you intend to achieve it. Identify the resources required for your vision to materialize, identify the labour and equipment required and get the necessary skills to help you to succeed, if you have to. You can also carry out a feasibility study of the entire vision to know if it is worth pursuing.
Raise a Good Team with Specific expertise: – Look out and find the best resource persons who will be willing to work with you and help you actualize your dream and succeed. Hunt for skilled and experienced people to work with you. Remember to look for those who are passionate and enthusiastic about their career and work. And when you find and employ them, make sure to define the roles and responsibilities of each member of the team and work as a team with a good structure in place to guide and motivate everyone.
Setting deadlines: – Always set deadlines because when you do, you are able to push beyond the limits and this makes you to work harder mentally and physically and also to measure your progress and stay on target all the time.
Finally, achieving success in life is not an impossible task nor is it really a big deal. Just be focused and keep it in view. Be persistent and never allow yourself to be discouraged. One more thing, try to be creative and be good at what you do. Also, cultivate good habits and have a positive attitude always and remember the God factor in everything step you take. “Depend on God through prayers.”
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