In my previous article, I wrote about ‘’ The Journey of a Small Beginning’’. So, it occurred to me that we sometimes do not plan well after achieving success in our life or business. This inspired the above topic.
Having said that, planning can be hard for everyone but even if you feel like planning just doesn’t come to you naturally, there are certain ways to go about it that will make it easier for you. First and foremost, start by recognizing your strengths and weaknesses and accepting that planning is hard for you. Then, think about discovering what can help you find a better way that works for you. Truth be told, even the most intelligent people struggle to plan. Last but not the least, don’t be afraid to ask for help, and keep trying until you get it right. According to Benjamin Franklin, ‘’If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail’’.
Assuming that you started your life or business in a small way and to the glory of God, your spiritually life grew beyond your imagination and similarly, that your small business grew into a big empire in a short period of time. At this point, you start to think of getting married, have kids, build houses, invest more in the business and while you are thinking about all that, your health may change, your business may need more staff to sustain the growth so far achieved. Just remember to plan so that all you can manage of all these changes. Accordingly, while you keep yourself busy with all the achievements and perhaps think of how to live your life and uphold your business growth in the next three or five-years’, remember that a day will come when we must give account of all we have done to our Creator. Therefore, as we think of that day that everything we acquire will end, let us remember to plan wisely and also plan for our soul.
To plan wisely is to prepare ourselves for tomorrow so that whatever happens will not adversely affect us. Though, it does not mean that everything will go according to our expectations but planning helps us to gain more clarity on what we are doing and to know early when we are not on the right path so that we can change our direction or find an alternative. Consequently, planning helps us to confidently set our boundaries and decide how our plan of life will be successfully carried out and also gives us the full array of options that can help us achieve our business goals and also set our priorities in life right. Above all, planning helps us to maximize our effectiveness. Just as we plan to consistently set and meet our business expectations, we should also remember to consistently plan how to win God’s heart. Therefore, we need to start early to create in our minds an impression of what we want our future to look like and start to arrange things. May God give us the strength to plan wisely. Amen. Healing is a central theme in many religious teachings, especially within Christianity, where it… The word obedience generally means submitting to someone higher in authority than you. Nonetheless,…
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Good article. Plan your work and work your plan.
Yes Matthew, you are correct
Good article ????
Benjamin Franklin, ‘’If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail’’ really spoke to me. Great article.