Before now, l mean before the proliferation of technology, retirees from the civil service or private sector relaxed at home and enjoyed their pensions. The impression then was that after 35 years of hard work in service or attaining the age of 60, 65 years as the case may be, they deserved to just relax and enjoy their pension or retirement benefits.
Today however, the story is different, retirees are seen constantly developing themselves, all thanks to technology. This is done to the extent that senior citizens seek out situations that lead to self-reflection, higher self-esteem and self-improvement that yield great rewards to them beyond even physical and mental health. Studies have shown that personal development increases one’s self-awareness, self-esteem, one’s skills, and fulfills one’s aspirations, irrespective of one’s age. Trust me, when one is able to achieve all these, one tends to be happy, healthy, more understanding, kind, becomes wiser, values relationships and wealthy in knowledge. Personal development is also important for retirees because it helps them to transform themselves remarkably. You see them become relevant again in the society. Some secure online jobs, working remotely from their homes and at the same time earning some money to keep them happy and also keep their brains active.
Another reason why retirees or senior citizens should develop themselves is in relation to their bodies. As one ages it becomes more critical to take care of one’s body because at certain age, elderly people become prone to sickness, fall, injury, and disease. So, physical fitness for seniors becomes imperative. It can be as simple as taking a walk daily within your neighborhood, or within the estate depending on where you reside and based on your ability. Daily walking can help improve heart health as well as improving the functioning of the respiratory system. Some seniors may decide to go to the gym while some may prefer to engage in yoga in their homes, it’s all well and good. The most important thing is that you are participating in one form of exercise or the other to keep fit.
Another important aspect is the eating habits. Healthy eating goes a long way to helping senior citizens in improving their bodies and it goes hand in hand with physical activity/fitness. Some people may be reluctant to change their eating habits because they think they will have to eat food they do not like. No, that is not always the case. Eating healthy is not really a big deal, it is all about making a few changes that will go a long way to improving your health. I am not a dietician but since l fall into the category of senior citizen, l might be in a position to share a few tips based on my own experience. Sometimes, it may just require you to substitute a fruit for fries, a cup of smoothie for a cup of coffee or to eat more of roasted plantain as against fried plantain. Grilling or baking your chicken/fish rather than frying them is also an instance of adjustment in diet for old age better health. I tell you, this can make a big difference in your health. Besides, seniors can also improve their spiritual and emotional health through meditation, reading spiritual books, attending church/mosque programs and volunteering in the moral development of younger ones in their community. More so, they are advised to make time once in a while to listen or dance to some nice music to help them relax.