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ALL TRENDING STORIESSanctifying Human Love
Our words and actions should be such as to help us all escape the vicious circles of condemnation and vengeance which continue to ensnare individuals and nations, encouraging expressions of
Thinking Beyond “You”
If you want to progress in life, you have to think beyond yourself, you have to think beyond where you are and have broad-minded thoughts.
Hunger for the Word of God
The online defines hunger as ; the distress associated with lack of food, the threshold for food deprivation, or undernourishment. What it means therefore, is that
Personal Development for Retirees.
Before now, l mean before the proliferation of technology, retirees from the civil service or private sector relaxed at home and enjoyed their pensions. The
Christian coherence: Technology as a tool to preaching Christ
So, what is it about Christian coherence? It is about unity in the church, bringing Christians together in Christ in a more interesting way in
Youth empowerment: for Better Inclusion.
So much have been said about empowerment of women and youths by different governments, private organizations and also individuals here and there. A lot of
The Common Good
The common good has historical roots that stretched back to ancient philosophy and Christianity but is also an idea that has modern-day relevance. So the