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ALL TRENDING STORIESFinancial support to apostolate instruments, service rendered to the society. Encouraging other persons to be
No one is born generous. Generosity is something that must be taught and caught. I don’t really believe in the heresy that God wants everyone
Let’s start with the word “FAKE”, this means pretending to feel something that you do not really feel, or not meaning what you say. Yes, a lot
Ethics in Business: Importance and Relevance
Hello Readers, today l want to talk about ethics in business Do you know that business ethics are more important than ever before in maintaining
The Virtue of Hope- Part 2
As l contemplate on my recent article on “The Virtue of Hope”. l could not but wonder what life will be like without the virtue
Becoming A Woman of Impact: with Work-life Balance
Coping with career demands, managing the home and observing the spiritual obligations can be a huge task and finding a balance in all of these
What Is the Thing That Gives You Joy?
There are things that whenever we remember them, we become very excited. It could be a gift. Sometimes, it is the position we occupy, and
Let’s begin by defining the word, work. According to Oxford dictionary, work is anactivity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a