Business Business Lifestyle Motivation Philosophy Spiritual Talk

 The Journey of a Small Beginning

The journey of a small beginning can be discouraging, tough, bleak, and disheartening but like it is said, every great journey begins with the little

Lifestyle Motivation Philosophy Spiritual Talk

The Virtue of Hope- Part 2

As l contemplate on my recent article on “The Virtue of Hope”. l could not but wonder what life will be like without the virtue



One may be tempted to ask what the fuss about responsibility is and what is there to talk about.  You will be amazed to know

Family Lifestyle Motivation Opinion Philosophy Relationship Spiritual Talk


Courtesy is the act of being polite. To us Christians, it means more than that. It means charity which is based on respect for other

Family Lifestyle Motivation Philosophy Relationship Spiritual Talk

Presence of God

Practicing the presence of God is special and mundane. We do it in church—we all know that. But we also practice His presence every single

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