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The virtue of Prudence – the example of Saint Joseph

Prudence is the intellectual virtue by which a human being recognizes in any matter at hand what is good and what is evil. Prudence is

Lifestyle Spiritual Talk

Responsibility as a Virtue

Perhaps a better place to start will be to define Virtue:  According to google search, Virtue is not valuable in itself, but rather valuable for the

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Building Integrity in The Workplace

Integrity in the workplace matters. However, there are some components needed to help build or create integrity in the workplace. Be that as it may,

Family Lifestyle Motivation Philosophy Relationship Social Spiritual Talk Wedding wedding


It is true that a marriage built on love is sweet and can stand the test of time. It is also true that it takes

Business Family Lifestyle Opinion Social Spiritual Talk Tips

Work life Balance: –  The Balancing Act 

Coping with career demands, managing the home and observing the spiritual obligations can be a huge task and finding a balance in all of these

Lifestyle Motivation Philosophy Spiritual Talk

The Virtue of Hope

Hope is a theological virtue by which we desire and wait for God's eternal life as our happiness, placing our trust in Christ ‘s promises

Family Lifestyle Philosophy Relationship Social Spiritual Talk

The Value of Human Life.

Our society today does not value human life anymore. Those in authority seem to enjoy seeing their followers suffer in hunger. Those who ordinarily should

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