Keep on walking and do not stop. You are getting better each day. People may say that you have achieved nothing, but believe that something within you is changing. You are growing on the inside and that is the most important thing. Learn to treasure the process. It may take longer and you may feel pain along the way. But always remember that God is holding your hands, and he will guide you. It is okay if you cannot understand what is happening. You do not have to know everything. You may have questions inside, but always remember that it is not about the answers, it is about your faith in God. That is what matters most in life. So, hold on and be patient.
You may not know where you are going, but trust that the light of God will shine along the journey. If God still keeps on giving you opportunities, then do not be afraid and grab it. He will make a way for you. Do not look at the left or the right. Set your eyes on Jesus so that you will not be disappointed. Do not focus on your weaknesses. Instead, seek God’s kingdom and you will always be walking on the right path. The road may appear to be very challenging, but keep on moving. Take a step, one at a time and never allow the challenges to hinder you from fulfilling the plans of God in your life. Life will be so much better after you go through this season. Just hold on. Take a rest, but do not stop. God will bless you and will give enough grace to sustain you.