The online defines hunger as ; the distress associated with lack of food, the threshold for food deprivation, or undernourishment. What it means therefore, is that in hunger, there is a feeling of discomfort until one gets what he wants and also the desire and craving to satisfy that hunger.
Accordingly, when there is hunger for the word of God, we realize that inner desire and longing to hear the word of God and keep it. When this does not happens, the person becomes uncomfortable until he listens or reads the word of God. So, we see what happens when we hear the word of God and do not keep it as against when we hear it and keep it. The latter of course ensures good product. Matthew 5: 6 says ‘’ Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully’’ We also see this in the parable of the sower where it said that not everyone who hears the word understands it, believe it or keeps it. But, that great things await the one who hears it and put it into practice. Furthermore, in Luke 11: 28’’ Jesus said, how happy are those who hear the word of God and keep it’’. Therefore, the only way we can be certain of bearing fruits is when feel hunger for the word. When someone has hunger for something, it shows the eagerness and love he/she has for that thing.
Several times in the gospel, we see Jesus going to places just to teach the people the truth. Even before the feeding of five thousand people in (Mark 6: 30-44), Jesus takes His time to teach the people. This attitude of Jesus, shows the hunger of Jesus to teach the people about the word of God and the truth.
Today, we are forsaking the word of God. That hunger for the word of God seems to be lost because we are busy pursuing material gains. Perhaps, this is the reason why we are suffering, living in crisis and experiencing division everywhere. Often times, we follow the wrong advice of our friends and those we think we love more rather than listening to the word of God. We quarrel amongst ourselves, we fight and most of all, we refuse to forgive each other and abandon the word of God that commands us to forgive those who offend us as much as seventy- seven times. Sometimes, we believe what we see on the internet more than what is written in the bible. God speaks to us every day, yet we do not have time to listen to Him. We fail to realize that behind the word of God is the secret that opens doors, that gives us spiritual strength, that brings us holiness and eternal life.
When the hunger of the word of God is lacking or when we do not have the hunger to keep to His word and apply it in our daily lives, we do not know that we have taken the decision not to be productive and also to lose eternal life. (Matthew 13 ;3 -8) says ‘’ He used parables to tell them many things. Once there was a man who went out to sow corn. As he scattered the seed in the field, some fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up. Some of it fell on rocky ground, where there was little soil. The seed soon sprouted, because the soil wasn’t deep. But when the sun came up, it burnt the young plant; and because the roots had not grown deep enough, the plants soon dried up. Some of the seed fell among thorn bushes, which grew up and chocked the plants. But some seeds fell in good soil, and the plants produced corn; some produced 100 grams, others sixty, and others thirty’ Jesus concluded by saying,’’ Listen, then, if you have ears’’.. So, Jesus is telling us that to hunger for the word of God is not a waste of time but that it comes with abundant reward which will be given to us according to our capacity to hear and put into practice what we heard. So, do not kill yourself when you see others doing better than you or are more prosperous than you. Just work at your own pace, listen to the word of God, assimilate it, keep it and implement it in your daily life and God will bless your efforts accordingly. Consequently, obedience to keep the word of God is not to put us in chains rather, it will make our lives prosper and we will have eternal life at last.
May God have mercy on us and give us the grace to develop the hunger for the word of God and keep it. Amen.
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