Today, l want to talk about something as little as good mannerism. In this day of age, many people particularly, the younger ones do not know how to relate with people in public places.
I remember when l was in primary school, we had a teacher who was so strict and all the pupils in school ran away whenever they sight her from a distance.
I am sure you are wondering why so, Yes! it is simply because she would pull your ear if by any chance you forgot to move aside when you meet her at the door or staircase and allow her to go first. We saw her as a terror. In fact, we gave her a nickname little did we know that she was instilling good manners into us by doing so.
Enough of all the rectories, let’s get down to some tips about good manners which can also be referred to as good etiquette.
Tip 1 – Saying please and thank you goes a long way. It’s so simple, but it means a lot to the person hearing it. It’s also important to remember to say these things not just to people you know, but to those you don’t know that are doing something for you – such as waiters and store clerks. You’ll be surprised how much better service you’ll get just for saying please and thank you.
Tip 2 – Smile at everyone. It really helps with meeting new people, as it puts the other person at ease. Also, smile when you are answering the phone, the person on the other end can tell.
Tip 3 – Holding the door for others is always the proper thing to do, regardless of whether you are male or female. Hold the door open for anyone who happens to be coming in as you’re going out, or is going out as you are going out.
Tip 4– Dress yourself well. Not only does dressing well give you confidence to face others, but it allows the person you are speaking with to pay more attention to you instead of your weird, wacky or inappropriate clothing.
Tip 5 – Using the terms ‘Thank you‘, ‘Please’, and ‘You’re welcome’ , these indicate good manners. However, people who lack manners avoid these terms.
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