It is an indisputable fact that parents are the ones who brought children into this world through reproduction hence, they contribute to the development of human history. And according to Emerllahu, parents or family as a whole, are one of the direct holders of educational work.
Be that as it may, parents are expected to take a crucial stand, when it comes to their children’s development, formation and education as a whole because the same parents are the ones to take care of the overall physical and intellectual development of their children until a point where they are expected to be independent and ready to face the challenges of the society they live in.
Experts say that the education of a child commences within the first days of the child’s life. This may involve observation of the child and acquiring of experience which is usually achieved by constant learning of the child’s mannerisms and body language as constantly displayed. The mother oftentimes is the closest person to the child and also being the person who brought the child into the world, she inadvertently becomes the child’s teacher, protector and formator, educating and instilling good values in the child and also loving the child. However, loving the child/ children rightly requires helping them to acquire self-mastery and helping them to grow into responsible and free persons.

Besides giving the children good formation that will help them imbibe good morals and values in life, it is also important to educate them in such a way that will enable them to think critically and be creative. By so doing, the child/children will be exposed to new ideas that will help him or her find the path to a career that they wish to pursue as an adult. Also, educating the child/ children with good values and intellect will help develop his or her capabilities to the fullest possible extent. That means helping the children to discover the importance of being concerned about others, teaching them to form relationships that are truly human and help them overcome the fears of committing themselves but overall, helping to prepare them to respond fully to God’s plan for life.
In carrying out this task, parents should not forget the environmental problems that they may encounter. They should however not despair but rather be optimistic and feel young at heart so that they can find it easy to react sympathetically towards their noble objectives and even towards the wasteful fantasies of their youngsters, (children). As the children grow into adolescence/adulthood, parents will notice changes and some new things that they don’t like about them which are necessarily not bad but are simply other ways of living and nothing more. Parents are advised to ignore it because if too much importance is attached to these petty differences, which could be overcome with a little common sense and good humor, conflict may arise and we wouldn’t want that to happen so that the whole issue is not escalated and all our efforts over the years, come to futility.
The main concern of parents should be the realization that they can always improve in the difficult task of educating and instilling good values in their children. Because, truly, there is no system of education or formation that is perfect. It is a continuous process and all that is needed is for parents to be ready to learn from their mistakes. Trust me, it is worthwhile improving our own formation with a very clear purpose that we are educating for life. And, as the saying goes, the education and formation of the children should not be left in the hands of the school teachers alone but should be the responsibility of the parents also who ideally, should be their children’s role models.
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