‘Come to Jesus’ according to Slang by Dictionary.com, is a phrase that can be a religious conversion or change. It can be a call to someone who is found not measuring up to his/her religious obligation or who have lost his/ her spiritual focus. It can also be a call to someone or persons who are experiencing some challenge or pain and have no clue of what to do or where to go. Just as Jesus declared in the gospel according to Matthew. (11:28-30) He said’’ Come to me, all you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and l will give you rest. Take my yoke and put it on you, and learn from me, because l am gentle and humble in spirit, and you will find rest. For the yoke l will give you is easy, and the load l will put on you is light’’
Mediating on this gospel passage, there is an invitation from Jesus to those who are overburdened or tired. Here Jesus is inviting them so that He can give them rest. Come to Jesus is also a phrase which is basically used when someone is seen as losing spiritual focus. So, the person is being wooed back using the phrase’ ’come to Jesus’’. The phrase is used to push for personal conversion to Christianity for those who have turned away. Thus, this invitation urges lost or struggling souls to find their way back in Jesus and save their souls from perishing.
We all need to come to Jesus to know Him more intimately. Some people come to know Jesus while they are young whereas, others come to know Him later in life. Nonetheless, coming to know Jesus is a true moment that can never be forgotten. Often times, coming to know Jesus can be out of genuine calling for spiritual redemption or realization. The phrase ‘’come to Jesus’’, is often used in religious contexts, but it can also be applied to other situations where someone has a change of heart about his/her morals. Over time, the phrase has evolved beyond its religious roots and become a more general expression for any transformative experience. It can refer to anything from overcoming habit to finding inner peace. I can also be used in many different situations, from personal relationships to professional settings. For instance, someone might use it to describe a difficult conversation they had with a loved one about their relationship. Alternatively, it could be used by an employer to discuss performance issues with an employee in the workplace. Some supervisors use the phrase’’ come to Jesus’’ to set up a meeting with the employees if their performance need serious corrections or their behavior is unethical. The truth is that we all have either good or bad ethics, it all has to do with our conscience. And so, when our bad ethical behavior supersedes the good one, we would need to reexamine ourselves and come to Jesus so that we can be redeemed and therefore, find rest and peace.
Let it however be known that the origins of this phrase’’ Come to Jesus’’ are rooted in Christian theology, specifically the concept of repentance and salvation. In Christianity, it is believed that one must confess their sins and accept Jesus Christ as their savior in order to be saved from eternal damnation. This particular process is often referred to as a “coming-to-Jesus” moment. So, no matter what your challenge is or what you are going through, be it professional, family or personal such as, struggling with alcoholic/ drug dependency etc. just come to Jesus. And as He said in Matthew.11: 28- ‘’Come to me, all of you who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and l will give you rest. ‘’ May God bless us and help us to know when to come to Him, Amen