Do you know that many of our relationship problems relate to how we communicate? In order for two people with two completely different minds, two different backgrounds and personal histories to live harmoniously, there is need for certain degree of balance and understanding. Trust me, when l say that collaborative communication is the way, because it offers a pathway to achieve just that. According to Dr. Lisa Firestone, collaborative communication is a powerful tool for couples to gain a deeper understanding of each other and achieve more balance and closeness in their relationship. Besides, studies have shown that couples who practice collaborative communication experience more overall relationship satisfaction.
Come to think of it, it is not only the words that come out of our mouths that are referred to as collaborative communication. Rather, it includes all the many methods with which we use to communicate. It may interest you to know that even the tone in which we communicate, matters a lot. Our body language, facial expression, body signs, etc., all of these matter when we are communicating more especially, with our spouse. Oftentimes, conflicts arise between couples from misunderstandings of what we communicate, the message we send out and our gesticulations while communicating.
As couples, understanding each other is very, very important. When you take time to understand your spouse, you are 50% on the right part to having a smooth relationship that will also be built on enhanced and effective communication between you two. More so, when couples communicate with, openness, and empathy, they can form much stronger relationships where each person’s feelings are known and understood.
As an advocate of work-life balance, I believe so much in achieving balance in everything l do. Be it my work, the way l organise my life, or manage my family. So, with this attitude, l have been able to run things without difficulties over the years. Therefore, l believe that couples need to have certain degree of balance and understanding not only in their lives but also in their communication as well. And, l can tell you based on experience that when they do, they will be able to align themselves with each other in order to achieve a mutual and lasting understanding.
In conclusion, I will like to say that through collaborative communication, couples will be able to focus on how they can express their individual perspective in a manner where they are more likely to be heard by their partner without having to fight their own instincts or be defensive.
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Great article. It has been said by many experts in counseling that communication is key to a successful union. They are many ways of communicating both verbal and non verbal and if used very well can be very effective.
Great and succinct write - up! ????
On point ????????????????????????
Yes, the role of Communication in marriage cannot be overemphasized.
Thanks auntie Betty
We thank God for His patience and goodness.