Good character is important for success in your life, because it determines how well you can achieve your goals, whether others want to deal with you, and how well you fit into your groups. When you work hard and are determined to achieve your goals, you can become more successful and confident in what you do.
Good character they say opens doors to places that God has destined for you help you. Trust me, there are places that only good character and not your money or connection can take you to. Take for instance, in the workplaces, the reason a lot of people have problems is their character. When you manifest a character that creates problems or that is associated with gossip, anger, immoral behavior, rudeness, laziness or lateness to work, disrespect for authority etc, how do you think that people will perceive you? Many unexplainable problems of hard workers are traceable to their character. You may be very hard working but when you exhibit bad character, it will destroy the much that you have laboured for. In fact, a life’s accomplishment can be lost by one display of a negative character. Do you know that many businesses have closed down, many dreams shattered and many hopes were dashed because of bad character? It is therefore true, when people say that it is not easy to build but it is very easy to destroy.
You attract people to yourself and make them place their trust and confidence in you when you have a noble character. Thus, the bible says that “The words and counsel of people of good character are cherished and received with joy” and that “a man or woman of noble character will always be sought after”. Our loved ones get hurt each time we exhibit bad character towards them. When you deal with people fairly and honestly and show consideration for them, they will want to deal with you and even help you achieve your goals. By following the laws and rules of the society, your culture, and your organizational values, you will fit in and be accepted. Do you know also that your character determines what God will bring into your life? So, when you realise that you have a bad character or that people are complaining about your character, be concerned about that bad character so that you can find the strength to fight it and overcome it. Believe me when l say that evil or bad character is an excess luggage in your life that will slow down your progress. A good name is better than great riches and loving favour desirable than silver and gold. A man of good character is always respected, honoured and spoken good of.
On the other hand, success in life is the pursuit of every man with a vision. Although it does not come easy but when you have good or positive character traits of working hard and being conscientious about what you do, you are more apt to succeed in achieving your goals. life”.
Many in the pursuit of success have done unthinkable and dirty things. Because they want to achieve success, they throw away integrity into the dustbin and they sell their conscience to the devil all in the quest to attain success. Many have even slapped God in the face. They forget their creator because of success. Some have even backslided from their faith and done things unexpected of a Christian. They want to be successful and do not mind ruining their relationship with their maker and creator. God is a God of success. He is successful in all that He does and so He teaches us to be successful in everything we do. God is not against us being successful in life.Therefore, to pursue success is not a sin. What God frowns at is the way and manner that some people go about it which sometimes becomes detrimental to their salvation.
Success connotes, growth and progress which emanates from commitment and hard work. However, if you have character flaws, such as tending to procrastinate and being careless in what you do, you are more apt to miss out or not achieve your goals. Remember that success and failures are functions of the mind thus, it takes resourceful thinking to formulate ideas and plans that will make for success. Some say that success is a –double- edged sword because it can take a man closer to Goad and can also take a man away from God. Proverb 16: 18 says that “The danger of success is that it can make one proud and arrogant and this will lead to a fall and destruction”. Success can enhance your relationships or alienate you from people who love you and have been around you and been a blessing to you before the success came. So, be careful not to allow it get the best of you. Manage it well and look up to God in faith and in prayer so that you can retain the success you have attained in life. Remember however, that the person who gains success or wealth by deceit will come to destruction someday.
In conclusion, when you have good or positive character traits of working hard and being thorough about what you do, you are more likely to succeed in achieving your goals. However, if you have character flaws, as mentioned earlier, for example, procrastination or carelessness in executing your tasks or lazing around, you will surely miss out or not achieve your desired goals. But if you pursue character with the same determination with which you pursue success, you will not only be a happy person but also successful.