Family Lifestyle Motivation Philosophy Relationship Spiritual Talk


 To stand up for what is right, takes a lot of courage. Standing up for what is right is usually described as the willingness to

Lifestyle Motivation Opinion Philosophy Relationship Spiritual Talk

The Merit of Good Works

Good works are important but the question is, what exactly are they? Many scholars say that good works are some acts of love that meet

Lifestyle Motivation Philosophy Relationship Spiritual Talk


The story of the Centurion on Goodness is a popular story that we read in the gospel often. From the narrative we hear from St.

Family Motivation Philosophy Relationship Spiritual Talk

A Leap of Faith

  What is faith? Faith is the confidence of what we hope for and assurance of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:6). It will therefore

Lifestyle Motivation Philosophy Relationship Spiritual Talk

Hunger for the Word of God

The online defines hunger as ; the distress associated with lack of food, the threshold for food deprivation, or undernourishment. What it means therefore, is that

Family Lifestyle Motivation Philosophy Relationship Spiritual Talk

’Come to Jesus’’

‘Come to Jesus’ according to Slang by, is a phrase that can be a religious conversion or change. It can be a call to

Lifestyle Opinion Philosophy Relationship Spiritual Talk

 Unity of Life

The unity of life is not merely a theoretical concept; it beckons us to live out our faith amidst daily responsibilities. It challenges us to transform

Philosophy Relationship Spiritual Talk

God Calls Us Differently

The word “calling means different things to different people but as Christians, God’s calling comes to us as an assignment or vocation as the case

Family Health Mom Care Philosophy Relationship Spiritual Talk

Creating   Bright and Cheerful Homes

The Founder of Opus Dei, Saint Josemaria Escriva, used to assure Christian couples that, if they are generous with God, He will help them to form

Motivation Philosophy Relationship Spiritual Talk

The Spirit of Giving

Mother Teresa of blessed memory, once said “It’s not how much we give but, how much love we put into giving”. When we voluntarily give