Business Business Opinion Politics Social Tips

Identifying Business Opportunities as an Entrepreneur in Nigeria

Many entrepreneurs in Nigeria are unable to identify good business opportunities because of the copier syndrome.  A lot of them jump into business without proper

Business Business Family Lifestyle Politics Relationship Tips WorkEthics

Building Integrity in The Workplace

Integrity in the workplace matters. However, there are some components needed to help build or create integrity in the workplace. Be that as it may,

Business Business Motivation Opinion Politics

How to identify business Opportunities as an Entrepreneur in Nigeria

It is a known fact that many entrepreneurs in Nigeria are unable to identify good business opportunities because of the copycat syndrome. A lot of

Family Lifestyle Motivation Philosophy Politics Spiritual Talk


According to the Oxford Dictionary, conscience is a person’s moral sense of right and wrong, viewed as acting as a guide to one’s behaviour. However,

Lifestyle Motivation Philosophy Politics Spiritual Talk

Jesus: – The Answer to all Our Problems.

 All of us would admit that the world is in a terrible condition today. Never have people been so uncertain, about life. There are wars

Family Lifestyle Motivation Philosophy Politics Relationship Spiritual Talk Uncategorized Worldwide

Transformation of the world. Christian influence in the family, work and social environment. – by Dr. Eluemuno Ndionuka

The topic begs the question; how do we transform the world? It is my humble opinion that the answer is through love and through work

spirit of service
Business Motivation Opinion Politics Relationship Social Tips

Youth empowerment: for Better Inclusion.

So much have been said about empowerment of women and youths by different governments, private organizations and also individuals here and there. A lot of