Business Family Lifestyle Philosophy Relationship Social Spiritual Talk

The Social Virtues: –

Virtue is a good moral quality in a person, or the general quality of being morally good while social virtue is simply, a means by

Business Family Lifestyle Motivation Philosophy Relationship Spiritual Talk

Imitating Christ: Unconditional Love & Dedication to Service.

In imitating Christ, you must love without barrier, Love beyond the Object, love sacrificially. Be honest with your love, with your reactions, empathy and concerns

spirit of service
Business Motivation Opinion Politics Relationship Social Tips

Youth empowerment: for Better Inclusion.

So much have been said about empowerment of women and youths by different governments, private organizations and also individuals here and there. A lot of

Business Lifestyle Motivation Social Spiritual Talk Tips Uncategorized

Caring For Little Things

Saint Josemaria always saw in the care for little things a way to respond to God’s infinite love for us, we will require perseverance and