Family Motivation Philosophy Relationship Spiritual Talk

Apostolic Mission: Apostolate in the family, work, friends, society. Apostolate of friendship:

 Defining Apostolate Mission, we can summarily say that it is about spreading a very important religious assignment, doctrine or the good news to the world.

Family Lifestyle Motivation Spiritual Talk

Financial support to apostolate instruments, service rendered to the society. Encouraging other persons to be generous.

No one is born generous. Generosity is something that must be taught and caught. I don’t really believe in the heresy that God wants everyone

What Makes A Beautiful
Family Lifestyle Motivation Philosophy Social Spiritual Talk Uncategorized

Detachment : free in order to imitate Christ.

Are we detached?.  The Holy Scripture says that we cannot serve God and Mammon together, we have to choose one. Thus, 1ST John chapter 2:15-17

Family Lifestyle Motivation Philosophy Relationship Social Spiritual Talk Wedding wedding


It is true that a marriage built on love is sweet and can stand the test of time. It is also true that it takes

Family Motivation Spiritual Talk Uncategorized

Naturalness in the manifestations of piety – Seeing the parents pray

The family is the furnace of a child’s character and personality, and where Love for God takes root and that is why no human community

Family Motivation Spiritual Talk

Spiritual Extracts: By Derek Ngwu

Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said “Never will I leave you;

Family Relationship Social Spiritual Talk Uncategorized


Love, is an extraordinary force which leads people to opt for courageous and generous engagement in the field of justice and peace. It is a

Computer Electronics Family Lifestyle Philosophy Social Media Technology Uncategorized

Christian coherence: Technology as a tool to preaching Christ

So, what is it about Christian coherence?  It is about unity in the church, bringing Christians together in Christ in a more interesting way in



Marriage by its very nature is unitive. ‘’At creation of man and woman, unity for them in marriage was not given as hope, it was