
Work life Balance: –  The Balancing Act

Cleveland Clinic Coping with career demands, managing the home and observing the spiritual obligations can be a huge task and…

2 years ago

Devotional: Run to the Light :- By Derek Ngwu Do not be afraid - for I am with you! I am your God – let nothing terrify you!…

2 years ago

The Social Virtues: –

Excellence Reporter 2015 Virtue is a good moral quality in a person, or the general quality of being morally good…

2 years ago

Love, friendship & Family – By Uche Egbuna

Life as we have come to realize is short, though it might seem long but everything would come to past…

2 years ago

Personal Apostolate

1.What is apostolate? The Greek word apostolois means “sent.” It refers to Christ's call to his disciples to continue his own mission:…

2 years ago


Let’s start with the word “FAKE”, this means pretending to feel something that you do not really feel, or not meaning what…

2 years ago

Imitating Christ: Unconditional Love & Dedication to Service.

In imitating Christ, you must love without barrier, Love beyond the Object, love sacrificially. Be honest with your love, with…

2 years ago

Devotional :- By Derek Ngwu

Repent, then, turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out so that, times of refreshing may come…

2 years ago

Making Sacrifices.

The word sacrifice comes from the Latin word “sacrificium.” It combines the words sacer, which means something set apart, and facere, which means to…

2 years ago

Lessons from Obedience: – God rewards the obedient: The 3 Major Lessons to understand about obeying God.

A Christian is one who displays the character of obedience to the word of God. Obedience not because it makes…

2 years ago