Do you know that Jesus loves you more than you think? Think about it, why should He come and die for you if not because of the great love He has for you. Jesus wants to reign in your heart. He longs to be the one in control of our hearts but we fail to acknowledge His presence in our midst. Instead of recognizing Jesus in our hearts and life, we are busy looking for signs and wonders and showing interest in the end- time prophecies, following self- acclaimed visions etc. Though we are still waiting for His coming and asking when Him and His kingdom will come, Jesus is already here with us but we fail to recognize Him. What we fail to understand is that His presence is not physical but spiritual. Scripture tells us that God the Father has given Jesus all authority in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18) therefore, Jesus reigns not just in a future heavenly kingdom, but also in the hearts of His followers today.
Allowing Jesus to reign in our hearts, is one of the most profound and transformative messages in the Christian faith and this means inviting His lordship into every corner of our lives, hearts, thoughts, decisions, relationships, and actions. In fact, it is an invitation to recognize and embrace Jesus as our Savior and our King. Consequently, if we accept Jesus as our king it means that we are in His Kingdom where He reigns and takes control of everything. A kingdom that is not of any specific spirit or has a hidden consideration but one that is more spiritual than emotional. Therefore, when we as Christians, allow Jesus to reign in our hearts, we are basically surrendering our will to His divine will. This is an act of faith and trust, that helps us to recognizing that Jesus knows what is best for us and for the world. We are thus, called to yield to His guidance in every area of our lives, be it personal, professional, or spiritual, trusting that He will lead us into greater freedom, peace and fulfillment.
Maybe we need to ask ourselves some questions one of which might be,’’ who is in charge of our life? Is it money, property or somebody somewhere? Or better- still, who do we obey? Do we obey our desires or do we obey God? is there someone who is controlling our life apart from God? These are relevant questions that we should ask ourselves because honestly, the type of life we live is a testament of who is actually reigning in our lives.
Allowing Jesus to reign in our lives is not a one-time event but a continuous journey of surrendering our growth. Each day, we have the opportunity to give our hearts and minds to Christ, allowing Him to shape us into His likeness. Trust me, as we allow Jesus to reign in our lives, we get peace, love, forgiveness, mercy, humility, hunger for God, strong faith, a life of prayer, justice, hope even in difficulties and total surrender to the Will of God and not our own will, kindness, generosity, joy etc. When we truly allow Jesus to reign in our lives, there will be a total change in the way we live. Let us therefore, seek for a change of heart first and allow Jesus to reign in our lives, family, place of work etc. by bringing peace wherever we are, when working for the people we serve rather than, bringing suffering upon them. May we all choose today to bow before the King and allow His reign to guide us into a life of purpose and fulfillment, Amen
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