A Service of Loyola Press

What does it mean to pray for others? – It simply means, praying on behalf of someone else, it means interceding for someone else. God tells us that this is important. So, find out how to pray for others who are facing trials and may be too weak or overwhelmed to pray or don’t even know how to pray. Praying for one another is a powerful way for us to bear one another’s burdens. It is a loving act to pray for someone and help them connect with their maker.

The Bible also commands us to pray for one another because the prayer of a good person has a powerful effect (James 5:16,). When we are faithful in praying for others, God will use our obedience to help us grow spiritually. He will help us grow and strengthen us in our prayer. Also, when we pray for others it is a way of telling them that we love and care for them.

Prayer is a powerful weapon against the devil and a way of building relationship with God, our Father. God tirelessly calls each person to this mysterious encounter which is prayer. Each day without fail we should devote some time specially to God, raising our minds to him, without any need for the words to come to our lips, for they are being sung in our heart. But for some people, it can be a difficult task for them to pray. Usually, they want to pray but often times they just cannot find themselves praying. This is worst when they are in trouble and going through some challenges. This is therefore, the time for us to pray for such people whether they are our family members or friends. The important thing is that we found them and we are willing to pray for them. Galatians 6:2 tells us, “Help carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will obey the law of Christ.” Taking another’s hand and praying for them is a powerful blessing you can give another person.

Occasionally, our friend or a family member approaches us and asks us to pray for him/ her. Two things are involved here, it’s either, the person does not believe in his / her capability to pray or because he/ she sees you as someone who has the tenacity to pray or sees you as a prayer warrior.

When such happens, invoke the Holy Spirit and ask for direction and strength to do so. Aside that, one should make it a point of duty to pray every day for each of our family members whether they asked for it or not. We may not know the effect of our daily prayers for the family, friends and colleagues. The truth of the matter is that prayer unites us in our communities. Praying for one another removes our isolation. Our prayer may not change the situations that we were praying about, but it could change our perception of feeling alone in the situation. We all have struggles that cause us to feel isolated. So, we should not think for a second that we are all alone in the situation we sometimes find ourselves.  Prayer makes a difference. God’s power is seen when His people join together in prayer for one another. Jesus Himself prayed for those who persecuted Him. He also prayed for His apostles not to fall into sin.

There is a misconception that only certain people are called or gifted to be intercessory prayer warriors. There are people in our churches and in our lives who seem to have that special intimate connection with God. They are relentless when it comes to praying for others. Some of these people work hard to develop themselves to that level of spirituality. The truth is that we are all called to pray for others. Whether we believe it or not, we are all fortified to be prayer warriors for ourselves and for others. After all, we are heirs with Christ and adopted sons and daughters and therefore, possess the same power and access to God, that our Savior enjoys. All we need to do is to be deliberate and consistent about it. We can either murmur, or cry out, and offer our requests to our Heavenly Father, and HE will hear us.



Beatrice Egbuna is an experienced Broadcast Technologist with a strong background in managing broadcast equipment and sound technology. She has played a leading role in building and installing various radio studios, as well as maintaining and repairing both analogue and digital equipment at Voice of Nigeria (VON) studios. Egbuna holds a degree in Mass Communication from the University of Lagos (UNILAG) and the Lagos State University (LASU), and has received training in Audio Engineering from the United States, Germany and the United Kingdom. She also holds certificates in Senior Management Programmes from the Lagos Business School (LBS) and the Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON), as well as a certificate in Entrepreneurial Management from the Enterprise Development Centre (EDC) of the Pan-Atlantic University (PAU). Prior to joining EDC in 2011, Beatrice worked in various capacities at the Federal Radio Corporation of Nigeria (FRCN) and VON before retiring in 2010 as Deputy Director Programming. She has also worked as a Consultant/Mentor on projects like "Road-to-Growth" powered by Cherie Blair Foundation and Access Bank Plc. Egbuna produced and presented "Enterprise Stories", a live radio program on Inspiration 92.3 FM, which brings entrepreneurs together every Tuesday at 3 pm to share their success stories and inspire startup developers to follow their dreams. She also produced "The Economy and You," a program that aired for about four years on Rhythm 93.7 FM, which brought policymakers, technocrats and successful business executives to discuss government policies and their impact on the economy and businesses in Nigeria. Currently, Beatrice Egbuna is the Principal Consultant at Maluwe Capacity Builders International, Nigeria, where she provides real-time feedback and actionable advice that adds value to her clients. She is also a mentor and faculty member at the Enterprise Development Centre of the Pan-Atlantic University, and a BDSP Consultant on the 5-year (20??-20??) MASTERCARD TRANSFORMING NIGERIA YOUTH PROJECT (TNY). Egbuna is passionate about developing the entrepreneurship ecosystem, providing business support and advisory services to entrepreneurs within and outside the EDC business network for over a decade. She is a certified IFC/LPI Trainer, certified SMEDAN Business Development Service Provider (BDSP), life coach, work-life balance advocate/coordinator, and marriage counsellor who helps employees/career/business people find fulfilment in the workplace, balance in their daily activities, and solutions to their marital challenges. To reach Beatrice Egbuna she can be contacted through her email addresses: bettyegbuna@yahoo.com and maluwehelp@gmail.com. She also has a website, https://momentwithbetty.com.


  • Matthew Ngwu, February 18, 2023 @ 2:08 pm Reply

    What is prayer, and how should we pray? Prayer is intimate communion and conversation with God. Judging from Jesus’ own life, prayer is something that we ought to do often, especially at key moments of our lives.
    Well, how should we pray? What does it look like? You have to pray with faith. Have you noticed how Jesus says before working a miracle, “Do you believe I can do this?” Can you hear the simple faith in this astonishing line of Jesus: “I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours.”
    Jesus said, “Ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” When we pray for others, we are showing God that we care for the spiritual welfare of our family members, friends and even those who don’t have anyone to pray for them.


    • Betty, March 4, 2023 @ 12:36 pm Reply

      Thank you so much for your very elaborate comment.

  • Charles Chinedum, February 20, 2023 @ 3:49 pm Reply

    Thanks for this article, I love it.
    Praying for others is one of the ways to show Love for our neighbours, our friends and of course our family.
    But we must remember, Jesus went further to say we should love our enemies, so we need to pray for our enemies too.

    • Betty, March 4, 2023 @ 12:35 pm Reply

      You are right Charlie, besides praying for others, we also need to love them. Thank you for your comment.

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