Dear Lord, l look to you this day for help, comfort and companionship. I know that YOU are always by my side and l can confirm that just by glancing at YOUR picture. Whenever l seek YOUR help, YOU give it to me and l am forever grateful.
Lord, YOU are my strength, YOU always make it possible for me to attain the heights you set for me to the Glory of God. Though, sometimes l feel as if l can barely take the next step to attain those heights but YOU are always there to assure me that l can do it as long as l remain in YOUR presence.
Merciful Jesus, l want to make YOU the focal point of my life and the search for my security. I try in my quiet moments to order my world so that it’s predictable and safe for me to be in YOUR presence but l realise that l have to be spiritually prepared and strong to achieve that and so, l ask for YOUR grace.
Help me to learn to rely on YOU more and more especially when my world feels unsteady. Help me to understand that l need to hold YOUR hand for support, no matter the challenges l face in life. YOUR constant companionship is amazing and as l look at YOU, l find YOU faithful, true and lovingly present with me and no matter what losses l may experience in life, l know that l cannot be intimidated by fear and that nothing can separate me from Your loving presence. Amen. Thank you, Glorious Jesus.